We are excited to announce The Nonprofit Board Certificate Course, a new opportunity for your nonprofit's board members or anyone interested in serving on a board through an on-demand virtual course designed to help your board work together to better achieve your mission.

As you know, nonprofits keep our communities strong, and the people who run them need knowledge and tools to succeed. That's why we are partnering with the Nonprofit Learning Center to offer this course at no cost to nonprofits in Chelan, Okanogan, Grant, and Douglas Counties.

Through a series of interactive lessons and a hands-on workbook, the course delivers the information and tools you need to build a Powerhouse Board™ ready to serve. It's full of practical tips and checklists to bring a fresh perspective to board meetings, as well as day-to-day operations.

The online format lets you work through the materials in your choice of English or Spanish at your own pace. You can also schedule time at a retreat or board meeting to watch a video or complete some of the exercises together. However you decide to complete the course, we suggest you make time when board members are together to talk about what you are learning.

There is unlimited access to the course through 2025.

Course Details

The Nonprofit Board Certificate Course is broken into four modules that cover the following:

Module 1: Welcome! The role of the board

  • An overview of nonprofits
  • The role of a board member

 Module 2: Build an effective board

  • Recruiting a purpose-centered board
  • Board diversity & culture

 Module 3: Know the job

  • Board member roles & responsibilities
  • Finance and law basics

 Module 4: Work well together

  • Effective board meetings
  • The role of committees
  • How to get all board members to raise money
  • Collaboration

The 24-page Nonprofit Board Certificate Workbook is available in both English and Spanish. It provides written exercises and prompts for your notes and next steps. The Powerhouse Board™ Checklist and Powerhouse Board™ Small Actions are included in the workbook. The total length of the course is about two hours, plus any time you spend making notes and completing the exercises.

If you are planning to do the course with your board, check out the Board Discussion Guide for ideas on how to best have these important conversations with your whole board.

Sign Up for The Nonprofit Board Certification Course


About the authors

The Nonprofit Board Certificate course was developed by Nancy Bacon and Margaret "Meps" Schulte. Nancy is a nonprofit educator who has taught thousands of boards across Washington. Meps is an instructional designer for the nonprofit sector who uses words, graphics, and technology to create engaging learning experiences.

We believe your mission matters. We hope the Nonprofit Board Certificate Course will help you become more informed and engaged, so you can serve your mission with joy.

Sponsored by Nonprofit Practices Institute in partnership with the North Central Accountable Community of Health.

Brought to you by the Nonprofit Learning Center.



Xitlali Cruz


I am currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science at Stanford. Since the beginning of my freshman year I have been involved with clubs such as Stanford’s Space Initiative (SSI) and the Society of Latinx Engineers (SOLE). In SSI I built a rocket and launched it.


Aero Methow Rescue Service


Due to being rural, remote, and geographically isolated, we must be prepared to do more than respond to emergencies. We have become a healthcare partner who fills gaps in service. The grant allowed our board the time and ability to work with a Strategic Planner to modify our plan to address those gaps.


Chelan Douglas Volunteer Attorney Services


The grant provided funds to hire a Housing Justice and Outreach Coordinator to visit rural and underserved areas. Rosie’s bilingual and bicultural skills and experience have increased equity of service. Rosie is building partnerships with local organizations through events such as the Columbia Valley Community Health’s Back to School Drive, as well as posting yard signs.

Tenoch Mandujano

Tenoch Mandujano

Scholarship Recipient

My father was a migrant agricultural worker who eventually started his own cherry and apple orchard. He told me if I wanted to live a better life, I had to get an education. I plan on starting a career with the Chelan PUD with a passion for renewable energy and in turn give back to my parents and community for supporting my dreams.

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