Grantee stories

Thanks to your generosity, over $1.9 Million in grants were awarded to nonprofits in the last year and helped to keep food on tables, people safe in their homes, and gave a lifeline to so many throughout North Central Washington. Here are a few stories of how your donations made an impact.


“Because of your generosity, we were able to hire a dental assistant here at the clinic. We have a continuity of care now. When our patients come in, they know whose face they are going to see. Also our doctors like having the same person to work with…This grant has allowed us to provide better care.”

Hope Care Clinic provides compassionate, quality medical and dental care for the underinsured and uninsured in North Central Washington.
Wenatchee for Immigrant Justice

“Without immigration status she was afraid to ask for anything more. Only when an English speaker with authority advocated were they able to give her anything.”

WIJ works in solidarity with community members and organizations so that all immigrants in our region have opportunity, equity, and justice.
Green Okanogan

“Recycling is really a dirty business! We are so lucky to have this wonderful bathroom with hot running water and a hand washing station at our recycling line. We are so grateful to be able to stay clean at this dirty, dirty job!

Based in Tonasket, Green Okanogan is one of only two recycling centers in Okanogan County. Your support helped them build a bathroom and handwashing station to keep employees and customers clean during the pandemic and beyond.
Pateros Treehouse Early Education Organization

“Thank you so much for giving us bridge funding to keep us on track as we work to open a licensed childcare facility in Pateros.
We are currently remodeling our facility and hope to open soon!”

The Treehouse mission is to provide a safe, nurturing, child centered, and quality educational environment that fosters a child’s individual success and a love of learning in collaboration with parents and community.



Xitlali Cruz


I am currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science at Stanford. Since the beginning of my freshman year I have been involved with clubs such as Stanford’s Space Initiative (SSI) and the Society of Latinx Engineers (SOLE). In SSI I built a rocket and launched it.


Aero Methow Rescue Service


Due to being rural, remote, and geographically isolated, we must be prepared to do more than respond to emergencies. We have become a healthcare partner who fills gaps in service. The grant allowed our board the time and ability to work with a Strategic Planner to modify our plan to address those gaps.


Chelan Douglas Volunteer Attorney Services


The grant provided funds to hire a Housing Justice and Outreach Coordinator to visit rural and underserved areas. Rosie’s bilingual and bicultural skills and experience have increased equity of service. Rosie is building partnerships with local organizations through events such as the Columbia Valley Community Health’s Back to School Drive, as well as posting yard signs.

Tenoch Mandujano

Tenoch Mandujano

Scholarship Recipient

My father was a migrant agricultural worker who eventually started his own cherry and apple orchard. He told me if I wanted to live a better life, I had to get an education. I plan on starting a career with the Chelan PUD with a passion for renewable energy and in turn give back to my parents and community for supporting my dreams.

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