Application Opens: January 1
Application Deadlines: March 1 (General) & June 1 (Nursing/Allied Health/Trades)

  • How to Apply

    There are over 150 scholarships available, each with its own specific criteria. Our online application process will ask questions that will determine the scholarships for which you are eligible.

    There are two separate scholarship applications:

    • General scholarships due March 1
    • Nursing/Allied Health/Trades due June 1

    If you are applying for the latter, we recommend you also apply for General scholarships as well.

    Once you complete the application, you'll receive an email that will include the list scholarships for which you are eligible and any supplemental questions that may be required to complete. 

  • Before You Apply

    General scholarship applications are due March 1st. Nursing, Allied Health, and Trade scholarship applications are due on June 1st. Be sure you know the deadline to submit on time.

    Plan ahead! You should have the following available to complete the application:

    • Your high school and/or college transcript 
    • A list of participation in activities
    • Your Student Aid Index (SAI) from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Student Aid Report (SAR). 
    • Email addresses for letters of recommendation (at least one should be a school-related professional, such as a teacher, counselor, coach, etc.). Some scholarships require recommendations for three recommenders; check each scholarship fund’s description for details.

    Be sure to read the instructions throughout the application carefully. Answer each question, including those that may not be required but are relevant to your situation. If a question isn’t required and isn’t relevant to your situation, you don’t need to answer it. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

    Learn more about the SAI requirements and FAFSA

  • Application Review

    Every application is reviewed by members of the Community Foundation’s volunteer scholarship selection committees. Each application is evaluated on an objective and competitive basis, considering academic and nonacademic factors such as financial need, leadership, community service, and special circumstances.

  • Award Announcement & Payment

    Students will be notified of award status by email. If you are awarded a scholarship, you will be provided instructions to sign a scholarship agreement and provide verification of enrollment. Once we receive the required signatures and documentation, we schedule payment directly to the Financial Aid office of the school you're attending.

    For questions or more information, contact Julie Mott at (509) 663-7716 or email



“This scholarship represents the culmination of my hard work and determination coming to fruition. I am now even more motivated upon receiving this award. Thank you.”


“Having family with cancer is a stressful situation. This scholarship helps me focus on my school work and not the financial aspect of school. Thank you!”



Xitlali Cruz


I am currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science at Stanford. Since the beginning of my freshman year I have been involved with clubs such as Stanford’s Space Initiative (SSI) and the Society of Latinx Engineers (SOLE). In SSI I built a rocket and launched it.


Aero Methow Rescue Service


Due to being rural, remote, and geographically isolated, we must be prepared to do more than respond to emergencies. We have become a healthcare partner who fills gaps in service. The grant allowed our board the time and ability to work with a Strategic Planner to modify our plan to address those gaps.


Chelan Douglas Volunteer Attorney Services


The grant provided funds to hire a Housing Justice and Outreach Coordinator to visit rural and underserved areas. Rosie’s bilingual and bicultural skills and experience have increased equity of service. Rosie is building partnerships with local organizations through events such as the Columbia Valley Community Health’s Back to School Drive, as well as posting yard signs.

Tenoch Mandujano

Tenoch Mandujano

Scholarship Recipient

My father was a migrant agricultural worker who eventually started his own cherry and apple orchard. He told me if I wanted to live a better life, I had to get an education. I plan on starting a career with the Chelan PUD with a passion for renewable energy and in turn give back to my parents and community for supporting my dreams.

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