The general scholarship application deadline is March 1st! Applying is easy - you'll complete one application that will determine the awards for which you are eligible. You will need FAFSA information and letters of recommendation, so be sure to start the process ASAP! Don't miss out on financial assistance - get your application started today. ![]()
Nursing/Trade/Allied Health scholarships due June 1st.![]()
Learn more and apply at
Colty's Excellent Outdoor Adventures Endowment was established at the Community Foundation of NCW to honor the memory of Colton Long, a WestSide High School student who was passionate about the outdoors and dearly loved by friends and family. The endowment will provide annual support to WestSide for its outdoor learning programs and events. ![]()
Thank you NCW Life for sharing Colton's story and helping build awareness of the impact the endowment can make for future students.
Calling all nonprofits in Okanogan County!![]()
The Okanogan Valley Fund 2025 grant cycle is NOW OPEN. If your organization serves the Okanogan County area, you're invited to apply. Applications close March 15—don’t miss out and please help spread the word. ![]()
🔹To apply, visit:
And click the "APPLY - Okanogan Valley (Feb 1- Mar 15)" button. ![]()
🔹To learn more about the Okanogan Valley Fund, visit: ![]()
🔹If you have any questions about this grant, please contact our Director of Community Grants, Jennifer Short, at:![]()
#okanogancounty #okanoganwashington #nonprofitgrants #cfncw #communityfoundationncw #northcentralwashington #okanoganvalleyfund #okanoganwa #grants
Want to make a difference in your community? We are seeking volunteers to serve on our Legacy Fund Local Advisory Boards! You could help review and determine grant awards that are directly impacting the people in your community, learn more about the needs your local nonprofits are meeting, and become a leader in advocating for community philanthropy.![]()
Learn more and apply at: ![]()
Application deadline is March 1st!
Our next Tech Talk for Nonprofits is on a new AI tool, Google Notebook and how it can organize complex information, access learning tools, and improve communication. Join our Tech Talk partner and host, NCW Tech Alliance, for this informative, free, 30min session on Zoom Feb 18th at 12noon.![]()
Learn more and sign up:
We've partnered with Triving Together NCW to bring back the Grant Writing Road Trip Summit! There will be Grant Writing Essentials (101) and Grants Management (201) courses available in person in Wenatchee (March 31-April 1) and Omak (April 1-2). Each class is $25.![]()
Learn more and register here:
The Mansfield Community Fund and Waterville Community Fund have awarded a total of $44,293 in local grants!![]()
In Mansfield, $35,000 will fund new tables and chairs for Pioneer Hall, heritage-themed displays on Main Street, and complete the restoration of the historic Great Northern Railway Section Foreman House.
In Waterville, $9,293 will support crucial maintenance for the Food Pantry, renovations to the North Central Washington Fair's Open Class Horse Barn, and the Waterville Mainstreet Association's "Hallmark Christmas" initiative to bring festive holiday experiences downtown.![]()
Both funds are managed by the Community Foundation of NCW and provide annual grants to qualified organizations serving their respective communities. The funds were established through the generosity of community leaders and gifts given to the places they love. The Waterville Fund honors Fund Founders Earle Jenkin, Hazel Dorsey, Genevieve Gollehon, Bob and Jane Hensel, and Gladys Helmick, while the Mansfield Fund recognizes the Estate of Neil Asmussen as its Fund Founder. ![]()
Learn more about the Mansfield Community Fund at:
Learn more about the Waterville Community Fund at:![]()
#mansfieldcommunityfund #watervillecommunityfund #mansfieldwa #watervillewa #cfncw
💚❤️🤍 What a year for Give NCW! 💚❤️🤍![]()
Thanks to you and everyone who participated, #GiveNCW2024 raised ✨$904,765✨ for 85 local nonprofits—a 31% increase from last year! 🎉 ![]()
The campaign kicked off with our Turkey Trot, drawing 1,278 racers and raising $30,000 for the "Give to All" fund. In total, the "Give to All" fund raised $130,000 which provided each qualifying nonprofit an additional $1,558.65. ![]()
Local businesses rallied, with ❣️Plaza Super Jet and ❣️Icicle Brewing Company both supporting the "Give to All" fund through charitable roundup programs. Plaza Super Jet contributed $7,500 through their in-store initiative, while Icicle Brewing Company raised $1,400 through taproom roundups. ![]()
Meanwhile, ❣️The Taproom by Hellbent Brewing hosted "Do Good. Drink Beer." and ❣️Munchen Haus held the "Benevolent Night" event to help rally even more community support for the Give NCW Campaign! 🍻🎄![]()
We'd also like to acknowledge once more the incredible support during the Turkey Trot event. It wouldn't have been possible without their support! ![]()
🦃Turkey Trot/GiveNCW Supporters🦃: ![]()
❣️Presenting sponsor: Wenatchee Valley Medical Group
❣️Gold Sponsor: Cashmere Valley Bank
❣️Gold Sponsor: Cordell Neher & Co.
❣️Emcee: Rafael Aguilar from La Pera Radio
❣️In-Kind Sponsor: Pybus Market
❣️In-Kind Sponsor: Café Mela
❣️In-Kind Sponsor: Crunch Pak![]()
Last, but most certainly not least, ❣️Steve Maher❣️ who volunteered as the Race Director and worked hard to ensure the Turkey Trot ran smoothly in support of Give NCW. 💝![]()
Thank you, all for making this such a great Give NCW Campaign!!👏![]()
To see the full list of results, visit: 🎁![]()
#GiveNCW2024 #cfncw #ncwnonprofits #givingbacktothecommunity #turkeytrot2024
Incredibly grateful for our friends at Plaza Super Jet, the best neighborhood market in Wenatchee! For the last few years, they've been doing a "roundup" for Give NCW, giving their customers an opportunity to round up their purchases for charity. This year over $7,500 was collected and will be MATCHED for Give to All! Thank you PSJ shoppers, staff, and owners for this incredible contribution - a true community effort!!![]()
And if you don't already know... they have the best produce in town! ![]()
Thank you PSJ!!
🎓Scholarship Application Now Open🎓![]()
🔸Deadlines: March 1 & June 1🔸![]()
The Community Foundation of NCW is now accepting scholarship applications for students planning to attend community college, university, or trade school in Fall 2025.![]()
🎓Additional Details:
🔸Over 160 scholarships are available for high school seniors, current college students, and non-traditional students.
🔸Apply once through a universal online application to qualify for multiple awards.
🔸General scholarship deadline: March 1
🔸Nursing/Allied Health/Trade School deadline: June 1 (though it is recommended to apply for general scholarships as well and try to meet the March 1st deadline)
🔸Many scholarships seek to support students who have served their community, show growth and potential, and demonstrate financial need.![]()
🎓Plan Ahead:
🔶Complete the FAFSA
🔶Gather letters of recommendation from teachers and/or mentors & school transcripts![]()
Last year, over ✨$1.2M✨ in scholarships was awarded to students across North Central Washington!![]()
#cfncw #northcentralwashington #ncwscholarships #washingtonstatescholarships #scholarships #scholarshipsofnorthcentralwashington #cfncwscholarships #scholarshipapplicationopen
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