May 13-26, 2017

Win a cash prize for your favorite nonprofit while reducing your carbon footprint!
Ride a bike, change a light bulb and maybe even change the way you live in the NCW EcoChallenge, a competition for Chelan and Douglas county residents May 13-26.
The contest encourages people to take small actions that collectively reduce our impact on the environment.
Contestants compete for individual and team prizes, plus cash prizes for local nonprofit agencies.
Participants will challenge themselves to try new, environmentally-friendly behaviors for two weeks: bicycling to work, changing to LED bulbs, riding the bus, recycling, and eating local foods — to name just a few. They choose the behaviors they want to change from dozens of options on the EcoChallenge website, then report their actions daily online.
Climate Conversation NCW, a grassroots group devoted to climate change solutions, is the primary sponsor of the EcoChallenge. Carolyn Griffin-Bugert, spokesperson for the group, said the idea originated with a Portland contest held last fall. Several local residents participated to test it, then customized the contest for Chelan and Douglas counties.
“Local businesses have been really generous about donating prizes, which makes the contest that much more interesting and fun,” Griffin-Bugert said. The grand prize is an iPad.
A bigger prize, though, may be the good feeling you get from knowing you’re doing something good for the environment—and your community. “Sometimes global problems seem too overwhelming,” Griffin-Bugert said. “The EcoChallenge gives us ideas for simple and easy actions anyone can take right now that will benefit our community and the planet. It’s a fun way to learn about climate change and how to reduce your carbon footprint.”
Other EcoChallenge sponsors are the Community Foundation of NCW, Chelan County PUD, Link Transit, Waste Management, and Columbia Valley Community Health.
Teams are forming now in anticipation of the May 13 kickoff.
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Hello! I am responding to an article in the Wenatchee World (21 April 2017) about the Eco Challenge. I am a 63 yr. old college student and currently taking Meteorology 110 at WVC, online. One of the requirements for the class is final project and I am thinking of using your program to write about. I live in Okanogan County, so I am not eligable to participate in your challenge but I am wondering how I might still be involved and experience the challenge so that I may write about it. I would like to sign up for it, even though I am not eligable for prizes. I am thinking of few folks I know in Wenatchee and Manson and may encourage them to sign up to get their perspectives as well. Also, I would love to be in contact with Carolyn Griffin-Bugert to get her reports on the results and success of this project. At the end, I might like to interview her, if even by phone. She may have other ideas to enhance my final project as well.
Many thanks,
Billi Kuhlmann
Thanks for reaching out to us, Bill! Unfortunately the NCW EcoChallenge is limited to Chelan and Douglas county residents only. However, you can participate in the nationwide competition at – they have a college competition in October. If you do have friends or colleagues in Chelan and Douglas counties we welcome them to join the NCW challenge! Thanks for your interest – and feel free to call or email us with any further questions!