From our experiences with wildfires across the region the last few years, we all know first-hand how disaster relief efforts can significantly support communities impacted by disaster. The Community Foundation of NCW was honored to be a part of handing donations and working with local partners to find solutions for recovery.
As Hurricane Florence begins its assault on the Carolinas, our Community Foundation colleagues in those areas have prepared their own disaster relief efforts to support their communities. For people who want to make financial contributions to relief efforts, Community Foundations are a wise choice – they know their communities, they have a distinct process for vetting and granting donated dollars, and are invested in long-term recovery.
The Community Foundation Public Awareness Initiative has published information on supporting Hurricane Florence relief efforts through Community Foundations in several ways. We ask that you take a moment to review this information and consider one of the listed Community Foundations to help crucial long-term recovery efforts with your generous support.
Giving to Support Hurricane Florence Relief? Consider These Funds
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