There’s still time to make an impact!
Give Online: December 31
There are many ways you can make an impact through an easy, online gift! Your tax receipt will be emailed automatically after your gift is made.
- Give NCW – There are 85 nonprofit organizations in Chelan, Douglas and Okanogan counties seeking your support through Give NCW! Gifts can be made until 10pm December 31st. Minimum donations is just $10 and we cover the credit card fees. Give on a Funday Monday and be entered to win $1,000 to use on Give NCW any way you choose! Gifts to the “Give to All” pool are matched up to $50,000.
- Give to a Fund – We manage over 70 nonprofit funds and over 150 scholarship funds. Search or view the full listing.
- Partners in Giving – Become a PIG! An unrestricted gift to Partners in Giving supports scholarships, grants, our Nonprofit Practices Institute, and other opportunities and programs.
Open a Fund: December 31
You can open a fund with cash, check, appreciated stock, or other assets so long as they are received by December 31st. If you have an IRA Required Minimum Distribution, you can use it as a Qualified Charitable Deduction to open a fund (except Donor Advised Funds). Contact Denise Sorom at or call (509) 663-7716 to learn what fund works best for your charitable interests.
Donations by Check: December 31
Donations by check to the Community Foundation of NCW or any of our funds must be received (in person or by mail) by December 31st to: CFNCW 9 S Wenatchee Ave, Wenatchee WA 98801
Requesting a Grant from Your Fund: December 26
If you have a Donor Advised Fund or Agency Fund, you can request grants up until December 26th to allow time for processing. Login here to make your request.
Donating Appreciated Stock/Securities: December 23
If you are donated appreciated stock/securities, we recommend you contact your broker to initiate the transaction as soon as possible. Requests must be sent to our office by December 23rd to give us time for processing. You can find the information your broker needs and a simple stock form to complete on our Gift of Stock page.
IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions: December 31
If you are 70 1/2 and have a Required Minimum Distribution, you can use it as a Qualified Charitable Deduction and avoid the taxable income. Make your check out to CFNCW and include its purpose. You can include a list of qualified charitable organizations and the amounts you want to distribute. Distributions can be made in the new year. You can also open a fund with a QCD (except a Donor Advised Fund). Learn more about making a gift from your IRA.
Subscribe to the CFNCW e-newsletter for donor news, scholarship opportunities, and good work being done in the community.