The Heirloom Society was established to honor individuals and families who have committed to leaving a legacy through the Foundation.
Consider the definition of heirloom:
- a piece of property (such as a deed or charter) that descends to the heir as an inseparable part of an inheritance of real property
- something of special value handed down from one generation to another
- a variety of plant that has originated under cultivation and that has survived for several generations usually due to the efforts of private individuals.
Joining the Heirloom Society allows us to honor and thank you for caring for the future of NCW during your lifetime. There are no dues or other obligations, but as a member you will be kept abreast of the work of the Community Foundation and invited as a guest to our Annual Appreciation Event and other special programs. To become a member, please complete the form below and return it to us at your convenience.
Check out this presentation with our Executive Director, Beth Stipe, sharing information about Legacy Giving with our nonprofit partner, Methow at Home.
Heirloom Society Members
We are proud to honor those, living and deceased*, who have entrusted us with stewarding their legacy:
Anonymous (18)
James & Kathleen Arneil*
Neil Asmussen*
Grady & Lillie O Auvil*
Knutte Bakke*
Jeff & Erika Barrom
Clara Barsten*
Marlene & Henry Bauer*
Lloyd* & Sue Berry
Arlene Birdsell Martin*
Richard Owen Black*
Katrina and Corbin Bohart
Marjorie M Brandt*
Phil & Velma Brunton*
Mall & Tom* Boyd
Bob Bugert & Carolyn Griffin-Bugert
Mary Jean Carter*
Rudolph & Carolyn Christianson*
Rachel Clement & Tucker Jackson
Judy Conner
Bud & Donna Corbin*
Melvin P & Lyndell Crowder*
Michael & Janice Daines
Ferne Daniel*
Lisa Day
Kim & Barbara deReburtis*
Ray & Kathryn Dobbs
Fern Cousineau Duncan*
Jack & Susie Evans
Herbert Fackenthall*
Dr Don Fager*
Hal & Florence Field*
Leslie LePore Freytag
Roy & Jackie Ferguson
Fisk & Lila Gerhardt*
Dr Gerald & Barbara* Gibbons
Wallace V & Lucile Gibbons*
Jay & Mary Gibbons*
Jane Gilbertsen
Genevieve Gollehon*
Bill & Julie Gotthold
Virgil V & Pearl E Gustin*
Henry K & Sarah Haggard*
John & Kathy Hamilton
Lisa Peters & James Hattori
William J* & Ann D Henry
Jane K Hensel
Merton M Hiatt*
Keith Howard
Gene "Sarge"* & June Huber
Karen & Eric Lindberg
Don Linnertz & Scott Wallace
Larry Hibbard & Mary C Murphy
Everett Hill*
Jack & Dede Hill*
Roy W Hill*
Michael Huggins & Debra Dormaier Huggins
Bernice Janssen*
Alvin Jensen*
Paul & Linda Jinneman
Evelyn Johnson*
Frederick Johnson*
Dirk & Mary Kayser
Bruce & Virginia Kehr*
Carl & Helen Kjobech
Mary Koch
Karin Kristjanson
David & Julie Lane
Sara Lippert
Edna Fast Maguire*
Shirley McArthur*
Tim and Alice Meyer
Kris Loomis & Kevin Morris
Emma Jane Lovejoy*
Dr Arthur & Jean Ludwick*
Carol Wardell & Kurt Mack
Judy Marsalis
John & Mary Martin*
David McComb*
Donald McEachern*
Leon & Bonita McKinney
Joe & Kerry Merritt
George F & Mary Ellen Miller*
Martha Jane Miller*
Dr Patrick Molloy*
Chris Moore
Della Murray*
Richard & Jocelyn Murray
Patricia Ann Nash*
Jeff & Bev Neher
William F Nerin*
Chris & Robin O'Hearn
Bonnie Orr
Doug & Katie Pauly
Karen D Peterson
Jon Picard
Marguerite Pierce
Lillian O Prebble*
Betsy Cushman & Barb Preston
Carolyn J Porter*
Paul & Karen Pugh*
Albert Ratcliffe*
Michael Real*
Gerald E Robinson*
Steve & Julie Robinson
Joanne Rosenthal
David & Marilyn Sabold
Marvin & Frances Salisbury*
Gabrielle Savage*
Nevin Schmidt
Edna Schroeder*
Anne Schur
Mary Pat Scofield
Eliot & Tina* Scull
Michael and Makrina Shanbour
Sybil Shearer*
Sue & Stan Simmons
Rowland & Ethel Slusser Jones*
John & Elnora Smith*
John & Mary Ann Snyder*
Abe & Denise Sorom
Dr Terry* & Suzanne Sorom
Gil & Kay Sparks
Virginia & Gerald Sparling*
Jean & Russ Speidel
Beth Stipe
G Raymond & Betty Lee Taylor
R Raydene Taylor
The Homestead Fund
Earl and Barbara Tilly
Susan & Peter Valaas
Douglas H* & Anja Wallis
David Walter*
Dottie Watson
Jo Ellen Watters*
Emily J Weber*
Harold O & Margaret M Weed*
Ken Westman*
Will and Christy White
Grace Ekman Whitley*
Bruce Williams and Gro Buer
Rufus Woods
Wilfred R* & Kathy Woods
Larry and Charlene Woodward
Steve Wright & Kathleen McNalty
Elmar & Edith Zur Hausen*

“We raised our family on the wheatfields of Waterville and have been engaged in the cultural life of this region for decades. North Central Washington provided us with so many opportunities in life and with my legacy gift, I hope to provide those same opportunities to future generations.”
—Jane Hensel, CFNCW Former Trustee,
Co-Founder of the Waterville Community Fund, and Heirloom Society Member

“As a Trustee for the Community Foundation of North Central Washington, I am passionate about the work that we do to support the charitable causes throughout our region. If everyone in our community left just 10% of their estate, no matter how large or small, imagine the legacy we would leave to future generations!”
—Leslie Freytag, CFNCW Board Trustee and Heirloom Society Member

Xitlali Cruz
I am currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science at Stanford. Since the beginning of my freshman year I have been involved with clubs such as Stanford’s Space Initiative (SSI) and the Society of Latinx Engineers (SOLE). In SSI I built a rocket and launched it.

Aero Methow Rescue Service
Due to being rural, remote, and geographically isolated, we must be prepared to do more than respond to emergencies. We have become a healthcare partner who fills gaps in service. The grant allowed our board the time and ability to work with a Strategic Planner to modify our plan to address those gaps.

Chelan Douglas Volunteer Attorney Services
The grant provided funds to hire a Housing Justice and Outreach Coordinator to visit rural and underserved areas. Rosie’s bilingual and bicultural skills and experience have increased equity of service. Rosie is building partnerships with local organizations through events such as the Columbia Valley Community Health’s Back to School Drive, as well as posting yard signs.

Tenoch Mandujano
My father was a migrant agricultural worker who eventually started his own cherry and apple orchard. He told me if I wanted to live a better life, I had to get an education. I plan on starting a career with the Chelan PUD with a passion for renewable energy and in turn give back to my parents and community for supporting my dreams.
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