Partners in Giving (PIG) is a program for individuals, families, businesses, groups, clubs – anyone that wants to support the work of the foundation without having to open a fund.
The PIG program works a lot like a Piggy Bank! We use donations to support unexpected needs that arise throughout the year, including:
Granting Additional Funds
The Community Foundation provides grant funding for nonprofit organizations, schools, and public agencies and each year there are more requests than we are able to award. That's when we turn to the PIG fund to help supplement one or more grant awards that may have been only partially funded.
Boosting Scholarship Awards
The Community Foundation manages over 120 scholarships that award over $1 Million each year to students across the region, many of whom have significant financial need. We use PIG funds every year to round up all scholarship awards to the nearest $100 to help boost their financial assistance.
Strengthening Nonprofits
The Nonprofit Practices Institute (a partnership with the Icicle Fund) offers workshops, trainings, and professional development opportunities for nonprofit boards, staff, and volunteers. Support from PIG fund helps bring additional training and resources to strengthen the nonprofit sector, increase the effectiveness of their donors’ gifts, and make a stronger impact in the communities they serve.
Building Community Philanthropy
Through programs like Give NCW, an online holiday giving campaign that supports over 70 local nonprofits, the Community Foundation aims to build community philanthropy throughout the region. A minimum gift to your favorite nonprofit is just $10 and thanks to our Partners in Giving, we're able to provide giving incentives and matching funds that encourage giving at any level.
Protecting Charitable Resources
Managing your region’s charitable investments is an important role that requires skills, leadership, and trust. Your Community Foundation works to learn and understand the needs of the community and connect with people like you who want to give back to the place we love. PIG funds may help to support the foundation’s operations from time to time to ensure the financial resources continue to grow and remain accessible to support charitable causes in our communities forever.
The PIG Pen
We are grateful for and recognize our PIG Pen of supporters that have given in the last two years or set up recurring gifts to support the Partners in Giving fund!
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